Saturday 22 February 2014

Music Painting

After we've done our monogram presentation, it was time to relax... Ms Lisa gave us a small assignment which is music painting. Ms Lisa told us that this is a relaxing assignment, when you listen to the music, and just draw whatever in your mind. We will need to come up with 2 different paintings while listening to the musics. First one would be the classical music and another one was contemporary music. Each music was played for 2 hours. 
So, the two paintings that I've done were this. It contained many emotions while I listening to music and painting. While the soft,relaxing or happy musics were playing, I started to use some soft colours such as pink, orange and yellow colour to paint it. But while the sad and emotional musics were playing, I used some deeper colours on my paintings such as blue and black colour. At the beginning, my minds went to blank, and I didn't  know what to paint, but after that, I kept calm, and many elements came to my mind. I was thinking how I spent my time with my best friends during my secondary school time, how happy was I. Then, I was thinking of some sad love stories while the emotional music was playing. All these made me done the special paintings...I felt really great after done these paintings because we all have been go through a lot recently, and it was finally over!

Before I end my last blog updating, I have to say Thank you to Ms Lisa. Thanks for your caring and patience for guiding us throughout the whole semester. Sometimes, I knew that some of us aren't that talented in doing those assignments, but you would still guided us patiently, you would also told us how to make it better. Truly thank you to Ms Lisa! It was really sad to me because it was finally over. We might not have the chance to meet again but I will still remember how we have been spent our time together, not just with all of my course mates, but the lecturers as well. Seriously, I've learnt a lot and a lot from this subject. I also had a lot of fun during every class. Then, I will also need to say 'Thank you" to all my course mates. I really enjoyed doing assignments with you guys, grouping with you guys. Sometimes, we were chilling during the class while the classes were actually stress, you guys made me felt good and relax. You guys will also helping me and giving me opinion whenever I had troubles. Some of you made me stronger, and realized that true friendship isn't only depends on that short term. When the time past, you will only know that who is the one cares about you and those friendships. I've learnt that not to judge a book by its cover. Lastly, thanks for those who are still willing to stay beside me eventhough some aren't. I'm really glad to have you guys. Hope we can meet again. 

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