Saturday 22 February 2014

Assignment 3- Batik

After a short semester break, and we were back! It was time for a new assignment... This day, Ms Lisa gave us a short brief of the new assignment, which was a batik assignment. First thing that we have to do is to form a group of 4 persons. So, here is my group members, Marwa, Twinnce and Annie. After that, we were told to sketch about our batik theme. Then, all groups need to post up our sketches and let Ms Lisa choose it. So, have a look of our sketches...

After that, Ms Lisa said that she's quite keen on the mermaid theme and asked us to develop it further. She wanted us to make a good composition on it so that it can divided to 4 pieces...
Here is our final sketch after developing...

Will updating about it, Thank you!

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