Saturday 11 May 2013

Camera shot the day

This was really an interesting day :) As we were asked to prepare something for this class,such as mounting board,blade.....we had to cut the mounting board and made it a frame. Next, Ms Lisa wanted us to select subject matter of our liking such as door, window, cup, bin and so on. We would also need to hold our frame in every shot as our 'view finder',using it to crop our shots,and shoot at least 30 shots to show Ms Lisa for her approval. And, we were not just capture it in the class but also in the whole campus. So, all of us started to walk around the campus to look for some inspirations or to capture the photos. For me, I chose plant as my subject matter, plant is the nature of our real life, it grows everywhere. 'No plants, no earth.' So, I walked around the campus and able to take many photos of plants because there are so many plants in Taylor's university. Then, I realized that plants could be very attractive if you will be able to capture it nicely. We got sweating all the day but I had a lot of fun and learnt something new. And finally, I got Ms Lisa's approval, I appreciate it, I will put more efforts on it. =D

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