Tuesday 23 April 2013

The art movement- Cubism

Our very first assignment for this course is to do some research about art movement and find out the art movement that we feel represents us best. After going through the long list of art movement of Wikipedia, I found out that the art movement that I represents me the best is Cubism. =)
First of all, cubism is artistic movement that spanned from 1907 to 1914and which featured the abandonment of traditional rules on perspective in favor of flattened, geometric representations of objects and people. It has been created by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Other important painters are Roger de la Fresnaye, Louis Marcoussis and Francis Picabia, Jean Metzinger and Albert Gleizes are also of note. Cubism has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century. This movement generally are characterized by geometric, fractured forms, muted, depthless colors and unspecified edges. Many use basic Euclidean geometric solids: pyramid, cube, sphere, cylinder and cone. Besides that,  'CUBISM' derived its name from the remarks made by painter Henry Matisse and critic Louis Vauxcelles who described Braque's work "Houses at L'Estaque" as made up of cubes. There is two types of  cubism which are Analytic and Synthetic.  Analytic Cubism, lasted from 1907 to 1912, and is characterized by polygonal structural constituents, neutral organic colors and human figures. Other while, Synthetic cubism  is from 1912 to 1919. It's also combining a few objects together. The links that enabled me to find this research are http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-cubism.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubism .
There's some pictures which I found fascinating :

                                          Cassie Thinking About Cubism by Philip Absolon

                                               Harbor by Georges Braque  

                                                              Georges Braque

                                                      Man with a Violin by  Pablo Picasso

                                                             Pablo Picasso
                                                   Woman with Pears by Pablo Picasso

                                    This is my self portrait using the art movement,Cubism.

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