Tuesday 23 April 2013

First Lesson of Principles of Design =)

The day, is the first lesson of Principles of Design. I was wondering what's it all about? In fact, Miss Lisa gave us an activity, that is, all students were required to design an oneself mind map and also our very own self portrait. We did have 2 hours to complete it. At the beginning, I had no idea what to do about these, and a question kept appearing in my mind, 'do I understand me?' In fact, I did. =D  The picture as shown on the top of the post is my self mind map, it might be looks so simple compared to others, but it defines me. As my nickname called Apple, so I just draw an apple in the middle of the mind map in order to make everyone could remember my name easily. Besides, I also wrote down my personality and the things that I like, for example, I am an active person, but sometimes, I'm also lazy...... And for the favourite colour that I like is pink colour, so while I draw the mind map, I mostly used pink colour, it might be feel a little bit ridiculous, but it's me! Next, I also wrote down my goal, that is, I hope to get good result in my studies, make money in the future... :) Last but not least, there's a picture below the mind map, it's my self portrait. All the materials used to complete this self portrait are all from the nature, I walked around the campus and finally, I got something to make the self portrait. By the way, I don't think it looks like my face, may be this called art,or maybe it is not. After we have completed all these things, we had to present it one by one. It's really made me felt nervous but also it was a fun lesson. :D

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