This time...we have to create two different artworks (A4 sizes) using paper cutout and collage techniques on our assignments...this made me feel so interested about it, because it are involving on those paper cutting, and I love it! Two different artworks including symmetrical artwork and asymmetrical artwork, that is, 1 artwork represents balance and symmetry,and another artwork represents dominance,weight and also space... In order to understand what are these all about, I did so many researches on internet, and got so many references from it... Next, I decided to use the subject matter called ' fairy tales ' from childhood stories such as snow white,cinderalla,alice in wonderland... For me,it look so attractive =) Then, I sketched it out and cut it carefully... But, I realized that it's quite difficult when cutting the papers... I need to focus so much on it and cut it out very careful...After that, I also pasted it on two mounting boards, actually pasting the papers also became another trouble for me, because I need to adjust the papers to make it fix on the mounting boards...It also took me a week to finish up the whole assignment...The final artworks might not be perfect, but hope it could be approved by Ms Lisa...At the end, I gained so many things from it...

This is the sketching of symmetrical artwork
This is the sketching of asymmetrical artwork
This is the final artwork (asymmetrical)
This is the final artwork ( symmetrical)
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