Friday 23 August 2013

Final Assignment- A set of 3 greetings cards's time to say goodbye to this subject Principle Of Design....
So, before it ends,there's still a FINAL assignment to do...
Which is a set of 3 greetings cards...
This sounds great and interested to me to do the greetings cards... :)
Firstly, we have to research and pick a theme,we can choose any occasion on making the greetings cards...
The most important thing that we have to do is that, we have to apply principle of design that Ms.Lisa 
have been drumming into us throughout the entire semester...
And we could use any materials to make it,the 
manageable size will be A5 size...

So,I did research and finally,I decided to use 'flowers and love' as my theme...
After that,I went to few art shops to buy some attractive materials for this assignment...
While making these greetings cards,I really really enjoyed the process...

This is my first card, Valentine day :)

 Second card,Wedding day

 Third card, Anniversary Day 

I actually felt satisfy about the outcome of my cards...
But Ms.Lisa is right, she said that inside of the cards is disappointed :(
Ya,compared to others's cards, my cards are too simple...
Here I apologize to Ms.Lisa about the mistakes that I have made...
I promise that I will put more effort on semester 2...
Thank you Ms.Lisa for lecturing us for the whole semester :)

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